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办公地点:厦门大学翔安校区 航空航天大楼207



2023.1-至今      厦门大学机电工程系,副教授

2009.7-2023.1    厦门大学机电工程系,讲师

2010.10-2011.2   日本秋田县立大学机械智能学科,流动研究员
2006.7-2009.7    厦门大学机电工程系测试计量技术及仪器,工学博士

中物院激光核聚变研究所——厦门大学, 联合培养博士

2003.9-2006.7    厦门大学机电工程系测试计量技术及仪器,工学硕士
1999.9-2003.7    厦门大学机电工程系测控技术与仪器,工学学士






1. 杨炜,王春锦, Research on the normal error of large aspheric mirror employed in bonnet polishing,Advanced Materials Research,Vol.690-893, ,2013, pp.2231-3324(EI收录号:20132416415310)
2. 王春锦,杨炜,王振忠,潘日,郭隐彪,Research on the optimization of the bonnet polishing tool, Applied Mechanics and Materials,Vol.278-280, 2013, pp.406-4132(EI收录号:0130615997359)
3. 杨炜,叶卉,The Study on Subsurface Damage Depth and Morphology of Optical Material,Advanced Materials Research, Vol.675, 2013, pp.227-230.(EI收录号:20131616208898)
4. Chunjin Wang, Wei Yang, Zhenzhong Wang, Xu Yang, Chenlin Hu, Bo Zhong,Yinbiao Guo, Qiao Xu. Dwell-time algorithm for polishing large optics[J].Applied Optics 2014, 53(21): 4752-4760. (SCI收录JCR3区)
5. C Wang, W Yang, S Ye, Z Wang, P Yang, Y Peng, Y Guo, Q Xu. Restraint of tool path ripple based on the optimization of tool step size for sub-aperture deterministic polishing[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2014, 75(9-12):1431-1438 (SCI收录JCR3区)
6. Chunjin Wang, Wei Yang, Shiwei Ye, Zhenzhong Wang, Bo Zhong, Yinbiao Guo, Q Xu. Optimization of parameters for bonnet polishing based on the minimum residual error method[J]. Optical Engineering 2014, 53(7): 075108. (SCI收录JCR4区)
7. Chunjin Wang, Wei Yang, Zhenzhong Wang, Xu Yang, Zhiji Sun, Bo Zhong, Ri Pan, Ping Yang, Yinbiao Guo, Qiao Xu. Highly efficient deterministic polishing using a semirigid bonnet[J]. Optical Engineering 2014, 53(9): 095102. (SCI收录JCR4区)
8. 姜涛,杨炜,郭隐彪,王健. 基于经验模态分解-Wigner分布的光学元件中频误差识别[J]. 强激光与粒子束,2014,26(3):032003
9. Yang W, Li YG, Han JH, Guo YB, Wang Jian, Xu Qiao, “Characterizing subsurface damage in loose abrasive grinding of fused silica glass”, [J] Journal of optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 14, ISS. 1-2, pp. 72-76, 2012   JCR4区IDS NO:922WN
10.Pan Ri, Yang Wei, Wang Zhenzhong, Guo Yinbiao, Wang Jian, Zhong Bo “大口径非球面元件可控气囊抛光系统设计及研制(Controlled bonnet polishing system for large aspheric lenses”, [J] 强激光与粒子束, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 1344-1348,2012   EI收录号:20122915260084
11. Yang Wei, Lin Xiaohui, Guo Yinbiao, Lin Jing, Jiang Tao, “Structure Analysis and Optimization of Precision Grinding Machine Bed”,[J] Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 399-401, pp. 1731-1735, 2012   EI收录号: 20115114627748
12. Wang Chunjin, Yang Wei, Wang Zhenzhong, Guo Yinbiao, Pan RI, Lin Jianhua“Research on the Precession Angle (PA) adopted in polishing large aspheric mirror”[J] Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 472-475, pp. 1126-1131, 2012  EI收录号:20121214875101
13. Pan Ri, Yang Wei, Guo Yinbiao, Yang Feng, Zhang Dongxu,“Research on the optimized tool-path planning of computer controlled optical surfacing” [J] Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 399-401, pp. 1763-1767, 2012   EI收录号:20115114627754
14. Wang Chunjin, Yang Wei, Guo Yinbiao, Wang Zhenzhong, Zheng Maojiang, “Research on parameters of bonnet polishing based on FEA”, [J] Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 403-408, pp. 486-490, 2012 EI收录号: 20115014602205
15. Y. B. Guo, W. Yang, Z. Chen, Y. F. Peng, Research on the with-in wafer non-uniformity (WIWNU)of the large quadrate optic in the fast polishing process, Advanced Materials Research, Vol, 126-128, pp, 475-480(EI收录号:20110213565662)
16. Jing Lin, Wei Yang, Yinbiao Guo, Research on the surface change of the large optic plane wafer in the fast polishing process, Advanced Materials Research, Vol, 97-101, pp, 1811-1814(EI收录号:20101612863255)
17. W. Yang, J. Lin, Y. Guo, Research on the planarizaion of the large optic wafer in the fast polishing process. Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol, 7655, pp, 765514.1-765514.6(EI收录号:20105013487327)
18. Yang Wei, Guo Yinbiao, Xu Qiao, “Material removal rate based on dege effects in ultra precision polishing process”, The 4th SPIE International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies, Vol7282, pp72820A1-72820A6(EI收录号:20093812313123)  
19. Guo YinBiao, Yang Wei, Xu Qiao, Li YaGuo , “Three regions in the material removal rate with the increased concentration of abrasives slurry”, The 4th SPIE International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies, Vol7282, pp72820o1-72820o6(EI收录号:20093812313137)
20. Jing Lin, Wei Yang, Yinbiao Guo , “Research on the surface change of the large optic plane wafer
in the fast polishing process”, Advanced Materials Research, Vols:97-107, pp1811-1814(EI收录号:


1.2010.6-2013.5   大口径光学元件智能化抛光关键技术研究   福建省自然基金   排名第1   课题经费:5万
2.2010.1-2011.9   ******加工关键工艺研究   国家科技重大专项   排名第2   课题经费:630万
3.2009.6-2009.9   修形砂轮分类磨具设计及制造   排名第1   横向课题   课题经费:15万
4.2013.1-2014.12   大口径五轴数控气囊式抛光技术与装备研究   国家科技重大专项   课题经费:676万